
Sunday, December 31, 2017


I always ask my clients to send me as many photos as they have so I can get to know the dog and the owner. Usually I like to get 25 or so, that way I can see the dog's personality and the relationship that the dog and the owner has. I am so glad I used that method with this painting. This dog, in every photo, was staring poignantly at his owner. Such a devoted look and expression!

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Big Brother

When the mother of these children sent me this photo and asked me to paint it as a portrait I was absolutely tickled pink. Pink as this baby's cheeks. The photo had a really big white glare spot on the top of the boys head from the camera flash and it was a bit faded. I absolutely love painting children, and rarely does someone send me an old photo that has a baby and child who both have a pleasant expression. - plus the lighting - oh I could go on.  Fast forward to " They grow up way too fast" his little boy is 18 now and his little sister is half his age so she is about 9.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

The Wedding Dog

This little pup was supposed to be in his owners wedding, but at a young age he ate something and got very sick. A family member asked me to do a painting of  him so he could be present at the wedding.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Guarding The Gate

This is Rita, she is a soldiers dog, her owner is in the United States Marines. She guards the gate at home, alert, waiting, protecting.... just like her owner guards his country. It was a honor to paint Rita, the soldiers wife says Rita has some health issues and may not be at the gate when he returns this time from deployment.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017


This is Dolly with her first water fowl catch on the beaches of NC.